🔷 How to set it up?
- Download the file 👇
- Open the zip file.
- Copy/Cut the Ultra Security.exe file.
- Open Startup folder.
- Paste the Ultra Security.exe file there.
- Restart your PC/laptop.
That’s it!
Now when your PC starts, you’ll have 10 seconds to create a folder named iamhere , otherwise it’ll shutdown. This isn’t useful for everyday use, but it’s very handy when you're away for a few days or when you don’t want anyone else touching your PC.
🔷 Just for your information
I have compiled the AutoHotkey script to .exe
file so that everyone can use it without installing AutoHotkey 1.1
version. (what is AutoHotKey?)
- If you want to read the code → right click on the file
[Code] If you want to read - Ultra Security.ahk
→ Open with Notepad. - or you if you want to create you own script, here’s the guide 👇
🔷 Guide
- Download and Install AutoHotKey 1.1 → Link → https://www.autohotkey.com/download/ahk-install.exe
- Open Startup folder
- Press Windows + R → type
→ press Enter
- Press Windows + R → type
- Right click → New → AutoHotkey Script
- Copy the below code and paste it there.
- Save. Done!
Note: I’ve added comments inside the code so that you know what is happening!
; For the tutorial and more details, visit: bit.ly/ultrasecurity
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
; Wait for 10 seconds
Sleep, 10000
; Get the path to the desktop
desktopPath := A_Desktop "\iamhere"
; Check if the "iamhere" folder exists on the desktop; if not, shutdown the computer
If !FileExist(desktopPath)
Shutdown, 5